Why is more of a conscious and/or traveller life more of a lonelier path?

Lianna Michelle
4 min readMay 22, 2017

This question is something I have really been feeling and noticing in my life. It’s not coming from a place of sadness or a victim mentality, but just more an honest question that keeps coming up.

“There is immense wisdom in contemplation”

Coming home from a four and a half month-long trip through Central America, of course there is lots I have missed out on back home and everyone’s lives have continued on, just as mine has too. But, coming back you realize truly that you can’t have your cake and eat it too.

When I chose to go on this trip, or really start my journey inward a couple years ago, I didn’t really think of others at the time or much of what it would look like later down the line, other than the positive benefits I was hoping to receive — getting out of depression, relieve myself of anxiety and find more meaning and fulfillment in my life (to summarize).

Now, returning, I realize I don’t know everyone’s day-to-day. I am not in the message threads, up-to-date on everyone’s love life, the GIFs and where the group goes on Fridays. I hear news and I am like, “Oh really? Wow, why didn’t you tell me/why didn’t someone tell me?” and the response is usually along the lines of, “Well you were in Central America, you were traveling, doing your thing. I assumed you were busy.”

Putting yourself first requires some sacrifices and now as I am seeing, sometimes feelings of being left out or fomo — something I really didn’t think much about. You’re not as close to such a large group of people and are often “out of the loop.”

That can be hard. You feel removed. You feel disconnected.

And then on top of that, you’ve had all these crazy life-changing experiences, you’ve grown, you’ve faced your fears, perhaps you’ve become more spiritual, worked with plant medicine, tackled limiting beliefs that kept you small…. and now, you want to play big!

But your stories are just that to others, stories, and unless they feel it, they can’t truly relate and then you feel more disconnected, like an outsider, different.


I have came up with three thoughts:

1.It is the road less travelled- most people aren’t doing it, most people don’t want to dig deep, most people are not turning inward to find the answers… and that’s totally OK. Everyone has their own journey, but that’s why- because it’s less crowded and therefore, less relatable. What’s that quote say?

“Go the extra mile, it’s never crowded.”

2. You’re putting yourself FIRST, above everything- people, material things, often money, security, “doing what others are doing”… so that means your life isn’t “full” of all this “stuff.” You live minimally, need less and that’s not the average. Less distractions to distract you — to keep you “busy”.

3.You’re moving away from your ego- you’re not being fuelled by what others think, or what you “should” do at your given age. You are choosing to follow your heart versus being run by fear and feelings of inadequacy.

And do note, I am not saying the “traveller” or the “conscious individual” I am describing here is any better than anyone else. Again, we all have our owns paths. I am simply explaining the feeling that is real and true for many in this situation.

It’s not all beaches, palm trees and Instagram-worthy adventures. It can be hard, different, separating.

The solution, as with most things, is keeping up with your practice, mindset and self love.

In other terms, turning inwards to find that same fulfilment and connection, reminding yourself of the reasons you started, how you felt and how the experience has helped you grow — that same Self that told you to go, told you to explore, told you to seek more. And also, accepting what is and that things have changed/are changing.

Lastly, having the confidence in the heart-felt, one-to-one relationships you do have and the people you have kept in touch with where time and space don’t matter…

What’s that saying?

“It’s better to have a few amazing close friends than hundreds of casual ones.”

Because, after all, everything happens for a reason and the Universe will reward you for honouring YOU, even when the road seems like it’s on an incline, the terrain is not so familiar and you’re going-it alone :)

In love and being OK with the road less travelled,
Li x



Lianna Michelle

Self-Awareness Coach. Energy Healer. Yoga/Meditation Teacher. Helping women turn inward & connect deeply to find more meaning & ease. www.liannamichelle.com